Upcoming An Introduction to the Open Dialogue Approach (Online)
In this one day online seminar Nick Putman will introduce the Open Dialogue approach using presentations and dialogues. Participants can expect to gain a fuller understanding of the approach, the philosophy that underpins it, and how it relates to, and can inform current working practices. Our hope is that everyone will have the opportunity to participate in small and large group conversations about the approach. The seminar will be conducted on Zoom, which allows for breakout rooms for small group discussions. Further information will be provided to participants regarding the use of Zoom. We have included a range of price points for this seminar, in the hope that everyone who wishes to attend can do so:
All prices include VAT We welcome mental health professionals, service users/people with lived experience of mental health challenges, family members and anyone who has an interest in mental health (services) at this seminar. Topics to include:
Additional InformationCPD Certificates will be sent to all attendees (6 hours). Seminar Facilitator
Nick founded Open Dialogue UK in 2012. He has visited the Open Dialogue service in Western Lapland on a number of occasions to study the approach and the structure of the service. Nick has 25 years experience working in a variety of mental health settings, and considerable experience working with people experiencing psychosis and their families. Nick is the co-editor/co-author of the book “Open Dialogue for Psychosis – Organising Mental Health Services to Prioritise Dialogue, Relationship and Meaning” which was published in July 2021. This is the first book to collate international accounts of Open Dialogue practice, service development, training and research. |
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